The African Marketing Confederation

The African Marketing Confederation (AMC), is the ground breaking pan-African body of marketing professional spearheading the ongoing development of the highest possible standards of marketing across Africa. Founded in 2011, the AMC is a collaboration between the various national marketing bodies and associations to exchange expertise and information, as well as to promote the marketing profession as a whole.

On the 19th to the 22nd of October 2022, AMC is holding its first African marketers conference, hosted by the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe.

The conference will be held at the renowned Elephant Hills Hotel, in Victoria Falls. The conference is expected to have over 500 delegates, with the bulk attending physically, whilst others will participate virtually.

Held under the theme, ‘The Astute Marketer: Reshaping the Future of Business in Africa’, the conference is meant to provide a platform for professional development, exchange of ideas and networking of the various marketing professionals across Africa.

The conference will also have speakers from different parts of the world, who will share their experiences and expertise on topical issues affecting the African Marketer. A prime platform to meet key decision makers in the African regions, sponsors are therefore invited to partner this event, and benefit from various sponsorship opportunities.